Mineral-Nutritional Balancing
Why I Believe in the Transformative Power of Whole-System Healing
I’m truly passionate about how a whole-system approach makes deep, transformative healing possible. First, let’s delve into what isn’t a whole-system approach. Conventional doctors and even many alternative practitioners often focus on alleviating symptoms....
Top 12 Reasons to Use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) in a Holistic Health Practice
In the vast world of holistic health, practitioners continuously seek methodologies that offer accurate and comprehensive insights into their client's health. As you'll discover below, Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) isn't just another diagnostic tool—it's a...
Benefits of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis I work with is a screening test that is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and accurate. It shows the levels of 16 minerals and 5 toxic metals. Minerals (such as magnesium and zinc) are sometimes called the 'spark plugs' of...
Precision Diagnostics: Integrating Blood Tests and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis for Holistic Patient Care
As a practitioner committed to the holistic health of your patients, understanding the tools at your disposal is crucial. In the intricate dance of diagnosis, blood tests and tissue mineral analyses (HTMA) are partners, providing a combined insight greater than their...
Toxic Metals and Hair Testing
Metabolism of The Toxic Metals Toxic metals are those minerals that have no known function in the human body and which are harmful. This is not an absolute definition, as any mineral may become toxic, and some toxic metals may have functions we have not yet...
Hair Analysis Protocol
We are often asked how to assure the best possible results with Mineral-Nutritional balancing programs and why some health care professionals achieve much better results than others. The most common causes for poor results include using replacement therapy,...
Energy and Vitality Through Mineral-Nutritional Balancing
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing is based on the research of Dr. Paul Eck. His main discoveries were the result of experimenting with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hair biopsy). Dr. Paul Eck was a US-based physician, researcher and clinician who spent 35 years doing...
Dr. Eck on Minerals: Nature’s Palette of Life
Minerals are the principal energy-producing components of the human body. It is the relationships between the minerals in your tissues that help determine your physical and emotional destiny. Through an understanding and control of these basic laws of human energy,...
Energy: Energy, Stress and Burnout
Everything in your life is dependent on energy. Energy is the source of your physical and mental power. It is not a coincidence that the people at the top in any field are generally the ones with the most physical and mental energy. Energy maintains your body, because...
Energy: Thyroid Gland and Adrenal Glands
The thyroid gland and the adrenal glands are the main energy producing glands in the body, supplying the body with more than 98% of its energy. If you did not have these glands, you probably would not have enough energy to blink an eyelid. The thyroid gland, located...
Fatigue is one of the most common complaints reported in doctor's offices today. What most people do not realize is that fatigue is not just an isolated symptom that should be treated like another illness. Fatigue is indeed a basic energy imbalance in the body. This...
How Long to Get Well?
The speed of response to a nutrition program varies dramatically. A nutritional 'quick-fix' may relieve symptoms in 10 minutes. Other cases require five years or more of a full nutrition program. Why do some people respond rapidly while others have more difficulty? A...
Emotions and Minerals
The connection between emotions and hair analysis interpretation is a fascinating subject. Dr. Paul Eck devoted much time to studying this area of mind-body interaction. General Principles The following associations are derived from thousands of case histories and...
Oxidation Types
Metabolic typing is a central concept in hair analysis interpretation and the science of nutritional balancing. The term 'oxidation types' originated with Dr. George Watson, PhD, a researcher at UCLA. He wrote a fascinating book entitled, Nutrition and Your Mind, and...
Energy: Oxidation Rate
Part 1: Chronic fatigue is premature aging When your body is chronically fatigued, one of two things happens. You may use up your minerals too quickly until you develop deficiencies. This is what happens in fast oxidation.1 The second possibility is that you will be...
A very important lifestyle factor we often overlook in nutritional balancing is the vital importance of rest and sleep. Medical research confirms that adequate sleep is necessary to keep your heart, arteries, blood sugar, immune system and skin healthy. This...
Energy: Counselling
Some people are so scarred by traumatic happenings in their past that they are afraid to love and afraid to accept love. Some men and women have been so dominated by their parents that they do not even know their own thoughts. Some women and men have been through...
Energy: Exercise
We are in favor of exercise. We know it improves circulation, we know it helps get rid of tensions. We know it can help give one a sense of rhythm. And we know it can improve a person’s energy, because it does for many people. There is still something about exercise...
Energy: Relationships
When one or both partners in a relationship are fatigued, it is a bad environment for love. Like a plant, love needs the right environment to flourish. It needs tenderness (an endless supply), understanding, unending appreciation, tranquility and an atmosphere of joy....
Basic Mineral Ratios and Their Meaning
Mineral ratios are often more important in determining nutritional deficiencies and excesses than mineral levels alone, although both should be considered.The Importance of Ratios Ratios represent homeostatic balances. Ratios are indicative of disease trends. Ratios...
Copper Imbalance
Copper is one of the most common imbalances seen on Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test results. Two forms of copper can be found in our bodies. Bioavailable copper is an essential trace mineral that is vitally important for both physical and mental health....
Energy: Na/K Ratio
Why are so many individuals unable to relax and enjoy themselves, and feel fearful and inhibited? Why do so many individuals find it impossible to “let go” and express true emotions? The answer to these questions has to do with mineral imbalances in the body. The...
Energy: Healing Reactions
If your Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program gives you any emotional or physical discomfort, stop it temporarily. If you are on the program, and it gives you some physical discomfort, stop it for a day or two. If it upsets you more severely, stop for several days or...