Healthy Starts Here
The personalized way to turn your health aroundI’m Susan, a certified nutritionist and psychology counsellor.

If you’re considering Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, Mineral-Nutritional Balancing, general nutrition, and/or counselling, you’re in the right place!
I use the accuracy of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and the personalized approach of Mineral-Nutritional Balancing to help clients turn their health around.
I’m a skilled and compassionate guide who helps you remember that you know what’s best for yourself as you take steps toward improved health and vitality.
This is the vision I hold for you:
- You’re no longer overly focused on what your body is doing—you’re fully experiencing the things that matter to you.
- You trust in your physical, mental, and emotional health and know that they are your greatest assets.
- You’re empowered with practical ways to understand and improve your health.
Health is an expression of energy and with that comes vitality—a feeling of aliveness—physical, mental and emotional.

A New Chapter at Susan Cachay HTMA Success!
Dear Valued Clients and Visitors,
I’m excited to share some important news about the evolution of my practice!
While continuing to offer the personalized care and guidance you’ve come to trust, I am shifting my focus towards empowering other practitioners through specialized courses and coaching in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and Mineral-Nutritional Balancing.
This shift means gradually reducing the volume of new clients I’ll take on. However, I assure you this will not impact the quality of care and attention given to all my existing and future clients. My commitment to your health and well-being remains unwavering.
This transition presents an exciting opportunity for practitioners aspiring to enhance their skills in HTMA and Mineral-Nutritional Balancing.
As I move towards educating and mentoring other professionals, I will refer clients beyond my capacity to these trained and competent graduates. This ensures continuous, high-quality care for those seeking help in their health journeys.
Thank you for your ongoing trust and support. I look forward to this new phase of professional growth and the continued journey toward optimal health and vitality.
Warm regards,
– Susan
What brought you here?
These are some of the most common concerns people have when we begin working together:
- burnout/fatigue
- difficulties with digestion
- eczema or dermatitis
- multiple chemical sensitivities
- food allergies & sensitivities
- weight issues
- emotional relationship with food
- body image
- hormonal imbalances
- brain fog
- menopausal symtoms
- depression & anxiety
- chronic or acute illness
- thyroid or adrenal gland issues
- adverse reaction to medication
- relationship challenges
- addictions
- lack of self confidence
- self-defeating thoughts & behaviours
- boundaries
- visual snow
- copper toxicity
- mercury toxicity
I Can Help!
Whether you’re trying to recover from burnout or just don’t feel that your energy levels are what they used to be, Mineral-Nutritional Balancing can be the roadmap back to feeling like yourself again!
I focus on 4 key strategies to co-create a Personalized Active Care Plan with you that is specific to your bodymind. ‘Bodymind’ represents the understanding that our body and mind aren’t separate.
Removing interference
This can be foods, thoughts, products, supplements and habits that are incompatible with your bodymind.
Bodymind Balance
Adding foods, habits, thoughts, products and supplements that are compatible with your bodymind so it can function as it’s meant to—with ease (not struggling just to make it through the day).
This means that you’re living life without being overly focused on what your bodymind is doing so you can fully experience the things that matter to you.
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing
A personalized mineral balancing program improves the energy-producing mechanisms of the body. Energy then becomes available for healing, regeneration, detoxification and all other activities.
Balancing body chemistry and keeping it balanced through periodic Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis retesting is the key to raising energy levels, increasing overall vitality, and strengthening and restoring the bodymind. When this is done most health conditions improve on their own.
Counselling & Core Beliefs Work
Combining nutrition and counselling allows the bodymind to become more physically and emotionally resilient. Your emotional life is reflected in your minerals. Your mineral balance is reflected in your emotional life as well as your ability to give love and maintain healthy relationships. Emotions change minerals and minerals change emotions.
My Personalized Approach
I’m a problem solver. I help you get to the root of your concerns with a goal of resolving them without the use of pharmaceuticals. I listen to what you say and ask relevant questions. We’ll explore the range of underlying causes contributing to your symptoms. I want you to feel reassured that your concerns have been understood.
A Holistic Approach
I believe your physical AND mental and emotional health are your greatest assets. I blend nutrition with psychology counselling because together they’re more thorough and effective than either one alone.Learn more about my approach to being a nutritionally-informed counsellor.
Get to the Root Cause
I focus on whole-system healing because it heals at a deep level. I don’t ignore symptoms or specific concerns (in fact, they’re often the starting place), but I always see the whole person. This means we can get to the root cause instead of only treating symptoms. Find out more about whole-system healing.
accurate analysis
I value accuracy so I use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, a screening test that shows the levels of 15 minerals and 6 toxic metals, and gives a picture of how different systems are doing.
working together
No more doing this alone. I’ll guide you through your Personalized Active Care Plan and you’ll have practical ways to understand and improve your health. You’ll get back to feeling more like yourself (or maybe feeling better than you ever have).
Personalized Just For You
I make recommendations that are personalized and tailored (not cookie-cutter, not one-size-fits-all). Just because a particular program works for others, it might not be the right fit for you.
I’ve Been In Your Shoes
I know what you’re going though because I’ve been there! I’ve also experienced the hopelessness of waking up every day with health problems that no one could ‘fix’.
Here’s How We Can Work Together
Health History & Symptom Review
Get started on your health journey
Your Personalized Active Care Plan
Continue on your path to vitality
Be supported in achieving your goals
Counselling & Support
Release and move forward to a vibrant life
Do you offer virtual appointments?
Yes. I work with clients around the globe by email, Skype, Zoom, and phone.
What’s your approach to being a nutritionally-informed counsellor?
I agree with Dr. Paul Eck (founder of Mineral-Nutritional Balancing) that combining counselling with nutrition is more effective and complete than either one alone. I’m a nutritionist with a Master’s in Psychology Counselling.
Mental and emotional health symptoms result from a variety of causes. Along with addressing foods and other things that can interfere with your bodymind being at its best, I also consider difficult and traumatic life experiences, and bring attention to these areas in a way that is safe and supportive for you.
Read more about how I can support you as a nutritionally-informed counsellor and check out Dr. Eck’s perspective on this topic.
Why do you use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?
The Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis I work with is a screening test that shows the levels of 15 minerals and 6 toxic metals, and gives a picture of how different systems are doing.
Minerals (such as magnesium and zinc) are sometimes called the ‘spark plugs’ of the body. That’s because they are needed by millions of enzymes as co-factors, facilitators, inhibitors and as part of the enzymes themselves.
Certain metals (such as aluminum and mercury) are considered toxic because they can be irritating, especially at higher concentrations.
When we look at common physical, mental and emotional health conditions through the lens of mineral imbalances and the presence of toxic metals, we have a better understanding of the causes and more importantly, how to heal.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive and extremely accurate.
I will suggest other tests (OATS, blood tests, cortisol testing, stool testing) when I think they might be useful.
For a deeper dive read my post on Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.
I think I might have reactions to histamine, oxalate, salicylate and/or nickel. Are you aware of these issues?
When your digestive system and overall health improve, these concerns often subside. Learn about my experience by reading My Story.
What lab do you use for the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test?
What’s your approach to the Mineral-Nutritional Balancing program?
Over the years, I’ve discovered that most people move to a place of improved health and vitality more easily when the bodymind is supported in a way that is right for them. Being too aggressive with supplements and detoxification can hinder, rather than enhance, healing. For example, speeding up detoxification to the point where your liver, kidneys, bowel can’t clear out metals and toxins effectively will only result in them being redistributed back into the tissues.
The goal is to increase vitality and feeling good as quickly as possible but also to minimize the risk of overloading the body.
Will I need to take supplements?
Supplement recommendations are based on the results of the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis along with your health challenges and goals. You always have the final say in what you take, and we can put together a supplement plan that you are comfortable with and works well for you.
If you prefer to work with me on nutrition or counselling without supplement recommendations, that is also fine.
Is this going to be another overly restrictive eating plan?
If there are foods that you’re not able to tolerate at an early stage in your health journey, this will change as your overall bodymind increases in vitality and resiliency on the program.