Trying too hard

A fairly common hair analysis pattern I call ‘trying too hard’.  It is a combination of two simpler patterns, and this can help elaborate the meaning of the pattern.  The two patterns that combine to create trying too hard pattern are:

1. A calcium shell.  The calcium level is above about 165 mg%.

2. Sympathetic dominance.  The potassium level must be 4 mg% or less.

Qualification.        In addition to the above, the ratios of calcium-to-magnesium and sodium-to-potassium must usually be fairly close to normal.  If both are high, for example, then it is a different pattern we call step down pattern or stepping in to life, or “digging in the heels” pattern.  This is a more productive pattern than trying too hard.

Also, due to the nature of the two simpler patterns above, trying too hard is always a slow oxidizer pattern.  This also yields clues as to the meaning of the pattern.

            Thus, trying too hard is a combination of two other common patterns, sympathetic dominance and a calcium shell.


            General. Trying too hard pattern means what the words say.  It is a person who is pushing himself or herself quite hard, and yet not achieving too much by so doing.  This is the basic meaning of the pattern.  It is thus a lifestyle problem in which one’s great efforts in a particular direction are not, at least at this time, paying off very much.

            Visual.  The pattern looks like the person is being pulled in opposite directions – calcium is very high and potassium is very low.

            Whom. The pattern is most common in younger women and some young men.  It is not as common in children, particularly younger children, or in those over age 50 or so.  They have generally “settled down” by this age.  The pattern is also found in more spiritually-minded and often intelligent people.

            Physical symptoms.  Common symptoms include fatigue, some depression, impaired digestion and/or elimination, sweet cravings, hypoglycemia, allergies, exhaustion at times, and often other symptoms related to copper imbalance and a low thyroid gland such as emotional upset, PMS, skin rashes, weight gain on the hips, and others.

            Psychological aspects. These are often prominent.  Often the person is rather stubborn and hard-headed, so he or she continues in the same direction even though little reward is found in it.  This may be viewed as a type of “spinning the wheels” behavior.  It is not always bad, but it is hard on one’s health.

            Sympathetic dominance, in particular, is considered a failed transition pattern.  This means that the person still thinks he or she can worry or run hard like a fast oxidizer, even though the body has ‘burned out’ and is now in slow oxidation.  In particular, the thyroid gland is depleted.

The person may feel very compelled for some reason, to continue pushing oneself or worrying a lot, both traits associated with sympathetic dominance.  This might be due to psychological factors such as intense fear, which is associated with this pattern.  It could also be due to the presence of toxic metals, especially biounavailable copper in most cases.

            Another aspect of this pattern is a strong tendency to worry.  This may not be obvious from speaking with the person, however, as the person may stay very busy and distracted.  Worry is sometimes just a bad habit.  In other cases, however, worry and preoccupation or compulsion is a spiritual trait in which a person really wants to learn something, or move on in one’s life.  However, in this case, the method chosen is not working well. 

A stuck movement pattern.  This is an interesting type of stuck pattern, and not like others such as a four lows pattern or a bowl pattern.  It can be more temporary and one often has more room to maneuver.  However, it is stuck in the sense that a lot of effort is being expended and results are so far not forthcoming, at least not at this time.

Also, there is the danger that one will become more depressed and more depleted if one continues in this pattern.


Driving oneself crazy.  This pattern is often found in people who have a frantic quality about their lives, with not enough rest and sleep, a poor diet of mainly carbohydrate foods, and a rather disorganized view or approach to life.

            A strong desire to move on and complete something.  This pattern is associated with a desire to move on, which means to complete where one is at this time, and change the way one is living, working or something else.

            Ungrounded. Most people with this pattern are ungrounded.  This is another way of saying their first energy center is not well developed.  As a result, they are not as realistic, centered and in control of their bodies as well they need to be.

            Somewhat numb and out of control.  I believe that in many cases of trying hard pattern, the person is somewhat numbed to reality, and this may be one reason the person keeps pushing and worrying when it is not too productive.

Accustomed to whipping the self.  These people often whip themselves, thinking they must do this or they must do that.  The affirmation “I need do nothing” may help, as may the affirmation “I am in the right place at the right time”, which may be even better.

            The calcium shell and its role in this pattern. A calcium shell pattern on a hair mineral test when the hair is not washed at the laboratory usually indicates that the person is withdrawing psychologically to some degree.  It is worse if the shell is higher. 

It also means the person is somewhat out of touch with reality.  It can also often mean one is discouraged and/or depressed.  The shell is also associated with feelings of being emotionally or otherwise suppressed, numbed or repressed.  Any of these situations or feelings may be present with the trying too hard pattern.

It is also possible that a calcium shell is the body’s response to extreme stress, or a very sensitive person, or an inability to handle stress correctly or well.  This is often the case with the trying too hard pattern.

A definite conflict pattern.  Here the conflict is with moving ahead and yet one is “hitting the wall”.  This is very hard on the body and brain.

A split personality pattern. This may be viewed as somewhat of a lowered awareness pattern in which the person does not realize that little progress is being made, so he or she just keeps on beating the head against the wall instead of trying a different tactic or approach to life.  The cause of the problem could be a toxic metal, a toxic chemical, an infection, or a neurosis or fixed idea, perhaps.


            An extreme trying too hard pattern is indicated by:

1. A very low potassium level of perhaps 1 or 2 mg%.

2. A very high calcium level of 250 mg% or greater.

3. A combination of #1 and #2 above.

            This generally just reinforces the pattern, and might be called a double or even triple trying too hard pattern.

            There may be more physical or psychological symptoms, although when the calcium level is very high, a person is often not in touch with feelings and is somewhat numbed, so that the person may not report a lot of symptoms.

            A very severe form of this pattern also always indicates some degree of depression.  However, it may be what I call “spiritual depression”.  This means that the person knows there is a great future ahead in some way, and is anxious to get there, but doesn’t quite know how to do it.